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Σταυρός Θεσσαλονίκης
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Megalo Emvolo

In the Travels of Macedonia by Major of Engineer Nikolaos Schinas, published in 1886, data on the defensive armouring of the city of Thessaloniki at the end of the 19th century are mentioned. In addition to the bastions and six fortresses in and around the then city of Thessaloniki (Vardari Fortress, Eptapyrgio, White Tower, etc.) and the newer fortifications of Megalo and Mikro Karambourno (Megalo and Mikro Emvolo) are mentioned).


«… In addition to these fortifications, seven-tiered fortifications were constructed on the edges of the Great and Little Karaburnou, located at a distance of 9 miles and 6 miles from the harbour, and dominating the entrance to the harbour, but the large telegraphic guns expected from Constantinople were not placed on them.  As regards the manpower of the fortifications, it states: ‘… On the Great and Little Karaburnou, an engineer battalion but not complete’.


The sea fortifications of the Mikro and the Megalo Emvolo were built at a time when the Greek army and fleet were being reformed on the initiative of Trikoupis. At the same time Thessaloniki acquired modern barracks and became the largest military centre in the Southern Balkans. The paternity of the plans for the coastal fortifications of the Mikro and Megalo Karaburnou is attributed to German technicians.


The forts of the Megalo Emvolo with their surrounding area have been classified as historical monuments (Government Gazette 595 /t.B΄/16-06-98). While the forts at Megalo Emvolo (Angelochori and Tuzla) have been preserved until today, the fort at Mikro Emvolo (Karambournaki) was destroyed during the construction of the Royal Residence (Mikro Palataki) at the same location.

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